Mark Winslow’s “partial list of my favorite things”

Dabney Coleman was great in Modern Problems: Mark Winslow’s “Partial list of my favorite things: Sunset from my office window. Strindberg’s women, all of them, my interview in Playboy, Mozart’s Brandenburg Concertos, collecting my $200 for passing go, Roots (said Ruts), the book, not that television horseshit”, inspired my Partial list of my grievances Other […]

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Dog Story

Dog Story A guy is driving around the back woods of Tennessee and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: ‘Talking Dog For Sale .’ He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees […]

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Mini golf Play minigolf Bloxorz Play Bloxorz GetBlackOut Play Get black out. Fantastic Contraption This is a very cool puzzle/game. Basically you build an autonomous machine to perform a simple task, with the tasks becoming increasingly difficult… site some contraptions

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Disorder in the American Courts

These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters who had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place. Q: Are you sexually active? A: No, I just lie there. […]

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Steven Wright

I love his dead pan delivery… A favorite of Steven Wright’s is, “I went out today and bought some powdered water, but I couldn’t figure out what to add.” 1 – I’d kill for a Nobel Peace Prize. 2 – Borrow money from pessimists — they don’t expect it back. 3 – Half the people […]

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Partial list of my grievances

Dates should be displayed like this 2002/04/23 – that is, most significant numbers to the left, least significant to the right. This change is consistent with the numbering system (100,100,001) and time display (18:30:23). In these cases the established convention is to place least significant numbers to the right and most significant to the left, […]

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