My PS1 appears as; $ cat .ps1 # set PS1 prompt to host:path crlf $ PS1=’$PWD’ PS1=”$HOSTNAME:$PS1″ PS1=”$PS1 $ ” $ host followed by pwd and a newline. I have my init file (.bashrc or .profile) load my .ps1 This way when I cd to a long path, I still have the whole […]

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This is a perl snippet I use for logging date/time stamps; $ cat x this is a file with some data in it typically log file type of stuff $ cat x | 20111103-002836 20111103-002836 this is a file 20111103-002836 with 20111103-002836 some data in it 20111103-002836 typically log file type of stuff […]

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I don’t like the way df looks, not even df -h. $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg_pecan-root 448G 6.5G 419G 2% / tmpfs 1.9G 76K 1.9G 1% /dev/shm /dev/sda1 985M 74M 861M 8% /boot /dev/mapper/mkm-mkm 443G 367G 55G 88% /mkm /dev/mapper/pecanbackup-pecanbackuplv 1.8T 1.2T 605G 66% /mnt/localbackup ns4300n0:/VOLUME1/BACKUP 2.8T 2.2T 584G […]

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Googol not Google

googol One entry found for googol. Main Entry: googol Pronunciation: gu-gol Function: noun Etymology: coined by Milton Sirotta born about 1929 nephew of Edward Kasner died 1955 American mathematician : the figure 1 followed by 100 zeroes equal to 10100 – Websters 101 = 10 106 = 1,000,000 10100 = 1 googol or 1 followed […]

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Partial list of my grievances

Dates should be displayed like this 2002/04/23 – that is, most significant numbers to the left, least significant to the right. This change is consistent with the numbering system (100,100,001) and time display (18:30:23). In these cases the established convention is to place least significant numbers to the right and most significant to the left, […]

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Notes from Peter Lynch’s “Beating the Street”

My notes from reading “Beating the Street”. National Association of Investors Corp. Represents over 10,000 stockpicking clubs. Majority of chapters beat s&p and 3/4 of all mutual funds. Offer investors manual and home study course. Monthly “Better Investing”. Maxims from NAIC: -Hold no more stocks than you can remain informed on. -Invest regularly. -You […]

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